The School of American Ballet (SAB), the country’s preeminent ballet academy, will hold special free auditions for boys and girls ages six to 10 for the 2008-09 Winter Term, May 17, 5:30 p.m. at PS 170, 7109 Sixth Avenue in Bay Ridge. Children must be at least six-years-old by September 1 in order to audition.
SAB’s faculty will look for young girls and boys, with or without previous ballet training, who are interested in pursuing focused ballet training. Children should wear leotards, shorts and tee shirts or swimsuits to the audition.
Children selected for admission will be invited to tour the School at Lincoln Center with their parents in July and enroll for two classes per week for the Winter Term, which begins mid-September for children eight and older, and in early October for six and seven year-olds, and runs through mid-June. Tuition scholarships are available.
For information about the auditions or the school, located at Lincoln Center, call 212-769-6600 or visit