
Beat down

Two men were beat up in separate incidents blocks — and hours — apart on Hoyt Street on June 27.

The first incident took place at the corner of Douglass Street at 10 pm where a pack of men jumped a 35-year-old man.

The bad guys punched and kicked the victim into submission before they stole $52 from his wallet and his pair of sneakers off his feet.

Hours later at the corner of Baltic Street, a beating from three men sent a 42-year-old man to the hospital.

The victim told police he was counting his money when he noticed three men watching him. He briskly walked away, but the trio followed him. One man smashed a glass bottle, waved it menacingly, and demanded his money. The two started fighting, but one of the hoodlums struck the 42-year-old victim in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. His arm was also slashed by the man with the broken bottle.

The victim lost $400 and was taken to Lutheran Hospital for treatment.


A building superintendent discovered that an intruder ransacked an apartment in his Henry Street building on June 25 or 26.

At 2:40 am on June 26, the super forced his way into the dwelling, between Sacket and Union streets, because water was gushing out of the apartment.

The water was spewing from vandalized pipes in the bathroom and there was a general state of damage throughout the residence. The apartment’s owner had last been there at 6:30 pm on June 25.


Vandals broke windows on PS 27 on Huntington Street over the weekend of June 20–22, but apparently did not take anything.

Employees at the elementary school, between Columbia and Hicks streets, told police the crime took place between 3 pm on June 20 and 9 am on June 22, when a worker arrived to windows pried open and broken glass on the floor.