
Celebrate the mutt in all of us at the Brooklyn Lyceum

Pooch Cafe: Downtown gal is private chef to upscale dogs!
The Brooklyn Paper / Gregory P. Mango

It really is true that every dog has his day.

In the wake of this week’s blue blooded Westminster Kennel Club dog show, the Brooklyn Lyceum has announced its own version: the “Brooklyn Mutt Show” on March 13-14.

The two-day mixed-breed showcase will include judging, just like the much vaunted “tournament of champions” that just ended at Madison Square Garden, but the Lyceum’s categories are a bit different.

Instead of “best basenji” or “best shih tzu,” the mutt show will give out ribbons for “sloppiest kisser,” “best lap dog over 70 pounds” and “looks most like anything other than a dog” (which is actually the closest to the Westminster Kennel Club’s poodle category — ba da bing!).

The goal, of course, is more than just dog show satire.

“We really just wanted to give New York City a mutt show,” said Deb Klein of the Lyceum, who owns a shar pei-chow mix named Harpo. “Mutts literally get the shaft in the dog world. And on TV or the movies, too! It’s always purebreds.

“We want people to say it loud and say it proud: ‘My dog is of dubious bloodlines!’ ” Klein added.

And if you need any more enticement, a percentage of the proceeds will benefit the Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition, a no-kill shelter in Williamsburg.

Brooklyn Mutt show at the Brooklyn Lyceum [227 Fourth Ave. between Union and President streets in Park Slope, (718) 857-4816], March 13-14, 11 am-7 pm. Admission is $5. For info, visit www.brooklynmuttshow.com.