
Chill out in Bay Ridge this weekend

It is gonna be another cold one this weekend, but that doesn’t mean the Ridge’s music scene is on ice!

Pop, rock, psych, and soul — the bars will be a cornucopia of musical genres and the 11209 is your buffet.

Start your weekend off at Schnitzel Haus (7319 Fifth Ave. between 73rd and 74th streets), where Steven Delopoulos and Johnny Philippidis of folk-rock group Burlap to Cashmere will play a special set at 9 pm.

Once you’ve had enough of the Americana-tinged duo, sashay over to Greenhouse Cafe (7717 Third Ave. between 77th and 78th streets) where pop-and-soul songsters Maybe Monday will play hits from chart-toppers like Tracy Chapman, Aretha Franklin, and the Beatles starting at 9:30 pm.

Warm up on Saturday night with troubadours Frankie Marra and Tony Monier at Hunter’s Steak and Ale House (9404 Fourth Ave. between 94th and 95th streets) at 8:30 pm. The pair plays acoustic tunes, but their song choice, Frankie’s gravelly voice, and Tony’s melodic bass lines are sure to innervate you for a night on the town.

Then break out the tie-dye shirt and Birkenstocks, because the Grateful Dead tributeers of Tiberius are channeling Captain Trips and crew at the Leif Bar (6725 Fifth Ave. between 67th and Senator streets). Drop in at 10 pm.

And at 10:30 pm, high tail it over to the Wicked Monk (9510 Third Ave. between 95th and 96th streets) for genre-hopping party band Head Over Heels. The Monk just finished a small renovation, too, so go show it some love.

Reach reporter Max Jaeger at mjaeg‌er@cn‌gloca‌l.com or by calling (718) 260–8303. Follow him on Twitter @MJaeger88.