
Gerritsen Beach bash

Gerritsen Beach bash

A 26-year-old Gerritsen Beach resident had his arm and chest slashed open as he fought off two “acquaintances” on Celeste Court.

The victim said that he was walking down Celeste Court on his way home at 6:50 p.m. on January 11 when a car rolled up.

Inside were three black males, one of who claimed to recognize the victim.

“Do you remember me?” the man asked.

Whether the victim did or didn’t, he started arguing with the trio, who soon sped off down the street.

The thugs backtracked around Gerritsen Beach until they met up with the victim further down Celeste Court, officials said.

This time two of the suspects jumped out of the car and attacked the victim with a knife, leaving him with deep cuts.

The victim was taken to Lutheran Medical Center for treatment, officials said.

Cops were still looking for his assailants as this paper went to press.