
Hi, tech! New computers and gadgets for all Brooklyn libraries

Hi, tech! New computers and gadgets for all Brooklyn libraries
Brooklyn Public Library

Talk about an upgrade!

Libraries across the borough will soon be sporting a bunch of new-fangled computers and gadgets, and the librarian from one tech-starved branch says the extra gizmos will be especially helpful for kids who come to do homework after school.

“I think it’s going to be a radical change to make the services we provide better,” said librarian Adriana Mitchell, who works at the Sunset Park library.

Every branch in Brooklyn is getting five iPad airs, a MacBook Pro, a Windows laptop, a flat-screen television, a new video game console, a Lego robotics kit, and a Little Bits kids electronics kit — all paid for by $3 million in state funds secured by Brooklyn Assembly members.

The Sunset Park book repository currently only has four dedicated kids’ computers and two early-literacy terminals, and Mitchell says it isn’t enough to serve all the youngsters who come in for help with school work.

The video game consoles — which will be either an Xbox, Playstation 4, or Nintendo Wii — aren’t all that educational, but will lure more teens to the institutions, she said.

“It can be a challenge to involve teens,” said Mitchell. “But they come if you give them space where they feel comfortable and technology for them to use.”