
IT’S ONLY MY OPINION – Delta’s problems with ‘wide bodies’

By the time this column goes to press, Senator Barack Obama will have spoken to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Iraqi Prime Minister Noural al-Maliki and several top people from the governments of France and England. Early in his campaign he vowed to have talks with the leadership of Cuba and Iran without preconditions. He has since added his intentions to have meetings with the heads of Syria, Venezuela and North Korea. That’s great. It seems that the presumptive Democrat candidate for the office of the President of the United States will speak to anyone…. well, almost anyone. It appears to most of us that Senator Obama would rather talk to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than Bill O’Reilly. Hmmm. Is Mr. Bill the most feared person on the planet? Why?


Ever since I found the overweight person in the seat next to me pouring over into mine and making my flight extremely uncomfortable I am not a big fan of Delta Airlines. Several of my friends who are also not big fans of Delta explained why in one sentence. They tell me that DELTA stands for “Don’t Expect Luggage To Arrive.”


How come we never see an elected official on the TV show “The Moment Of Truth?” Who would you like to see on the show? Stop! Other than Hillary?


The following is some advice for the owners of neighborhood Italian restaurants. More and more of us are trying to eat a little bit healthier. So what do we do? We go to the local Italian restaurant and order whole grain or whole wheat pasta. Even though it may cost more, the whole grain stuff at the supermarket is comparatively inexpensive. Yet we notice how few of these local eateries have it on their menus. Come on. Give us a break. Stock that whole wheat stuff in your kitchen.


Several years ago when we signed on with this computer business we were told that one of the big advantages is that we are heading toward a paperless society. I don’t know about you but I find myself printing loads of material “just in case” and collecting baskets that are now filled with “paperless society” documents.


I overheard the owner of a local fast food restaurant ask his manager, “How is it possible that we sell about 200 cups of coffee every day and go though about 700 envelopes of Sweet ‘N Low at the same time?”

Hmmm. Has he never heard of pilferage? Internal as well as external?


“Men At Work” signs have been plastered all over the highways of America since as far back as I can remember. Since there are females employed by the Atlanta Department Of Public Works, Cynthia Good, editor of the Atlanta-based women’s magazine “PINK,” filed charges of sexism against the city. It’s a big-deal nothing complaint and it was a lot easier to capitulate than to argue. From this moment on the signs in the capitol of the south will read “Workers Ahead,” and now everybody is happy.

“Not quite,” say some of the men in Atlanta. They’re now talking about filing sexism charges against all of the local watering holes that celebrate lady’s nights where females are given the advantage of free or discounted drinks. After all, what’s good for the goose ….you know the rest.

Are they right? I could make a great case for both sides. What’s your opinion?


America is getting a little tired of this ultra-bleeding-heart liberal turnstile justice system where we have muggers out on the street while the muggee is still being treated in the emergency room. I have one small idea that might help. I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net suggesting that all criminal court judges be prohibited from sitting on the bench unless they've been attacked at least once.


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