You can now die safe in the knowledge that the most adorable thing of all time has occurred and been documented — with a slideshow!
Two classes of Park Slope first graders took a field trip to the Powerhouse on 8th bookstore on Friday, where the youngsters read books to dogs — diligently making sure the pups saw all the illustrations — resulting in what organizers agree was the cutest thing in existence.
“Honestly, I felt like crying it was so beautiful,” said Katherine Eban, founder of PS 107 Parent Teacher Association’s Beast Relief, which organizes activities to raise money for animal conservation. “A number of them wanted to make sure the dogs could see the pictures in the books. It is the most adorable thing ever. It’s almost unbeatable.”
The parents arranged the activity in partnership with the Good Dog Foundation, which trains dogs to serve as therapy pets.
The exercise was more for the kids than the animals, and was designed to let the tykes develop their reading skills in front of a judgement-free audience, she said — though the kids did tailor their material to the crowd, only reading books about dogs.
And the highly skilled pooches made great listeners, according to Eban, who said they really paid attention, and only got bored after being read to for an hour in a language they hardly comprehend.
“They actually did pay attention,” she said. “After hearing the same book the 20th time over the course of an hour, they got a tiny bit restless, but they are highly trained therapy dogs, who sit and are very patient.”