
Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black at the Bell House!

Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black at the Bell House!

On July 15, Gowanus will be Brooklyn’s comedy central.

That’s the night when sketch comedy legends Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black will perform at the Bell House leading up to the debut of their Comedy Central show “Michael and Michael Have Issues.”

Showalter, a Brooklyn resident and regular at Union Hall’s weekly comedy nights, and Black, who might be best known for his role as a commentator on VH1’s “I Love the ’80s,” will entertain before a 10:30 pm telecast of the new show.

The new program depicts the funnymen as the minds behind their own fictitious TV sketch-comedy show — a role both Showalter and Ian Black are familiar with from their work on the underrated and unfortunately short-lived shows “The State” and “Stella.”

Comedy was always a part of the plan for the Bell House, according to owner and booker Jack McFadden, who has brought in such luminaries as John Oliver and John Hodgman of “The Daily Show” since the Seventh Street venue last fall.

“When we built the Bell House, we had it with comedy in mind, as well as touring rock bands and fun parties,” he said.

Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black at the Bell House [149 Seventh St. at Third Avenue in Gowanus, (718) 643-6510], July 15, 8 pm. Tickets, $20.