
NIA salutes pillars of the community

NIA salutes pillars of the community

A group of notable boroughites was delivered a tall salute for their service to the Bensonhurst community during an awards ceremony, presented by the St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood Improvement Association (NIA).

The accolades marked the grassroots group’s tenth annual community recognition dinner at Gargiulo’s Restaurant, 2911 West 15th Street.

The other honorees were:

Inspector Robert D’Angelo, New York City Department of Sanitation Police, “Man of the Year”; Yvonne Graham, former Brooklyn Deputy Borough President, “Woman of the Year”; Elizabeth Culkin, principal, Public School 176, 1225 69th Street, “Educational Leadership”; Retired Deputy Chief Anthony DeSantis,” New York City Department of Sanitation Collection of Waste Disposal, “Humanitarian Award”; Eufemia “Effie” Maldari, president, Bay Ridge Real Estate Board, “Community Leadership Award”; and Frank Tramontano, research director, New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, “Distinguished Brooklynite.”