To the editor,
Every time there is a massacre of innocent lives lost, the public is directed to not point any fingers towards the gun laws, the NRA, or towards the men and women whom we have sent to the Congress to represent our views as a whole. What we are directed to accept in this brainwashing scenario is the following:
Suggest and apply new security measures, hire additional security teams, and create long lines for security checks in any and all establishments until the public forgets or moves on to another subject because the attention span is thought of as being short, or it is assumed the public will return to their day to day lifestyles. Thus, the problem is solved until it occurs again.
Again we are bullied, brainwashed into not pointing the finger at the NRA, and to the many pockets that the NRA fill of our so-called Washington watch dogs who are suppose to protect us and these United States. Whenever a massacre occurs we are told this is not the time to discuss the politics of gun control since the families and states are in mourning, that the powers that be are trying to find the reason for the awful event happening. However, we send our thoughts and prayers to the families, the mothers, the fathers, the husbands, and wives, the children, and the friends our condolences.
Well Mr. President, the Congress, the NRA, and the voters who continue to vote the way of the gun, the people who lost loved ones truly don’t want to hear “I’m sorry for your loss”, when there is something that can be done to finally stop the madness for once and for all.
Let’s spell it out. There is no need for a public gun owner to have semi, or fully automatic guns and rifles. They are not required for a legal hunting season. The only groups required to carry these types of weapons are the military and the law enforcement departments.
All weapons of mass destruction currently held by the public must be turned in to the police through a “buy back” program forthwith. Orlando, Fla: 49 killed; Newtown, Conn.: 20 children, 6 teachers; Las Vegas, Nev.: 59 killed; Littleton, Co.:13 killed; Charleston S.C., 9 killed; Senator Gabrielle Giffords, and Senator Joseph Scalise, shot but survived with long-term effects to their bodies. Along with the hundreds that were wounded mentally and physically.
We are tired of saying we are heartbroken, we are tired of shedding tears, we are tired of having guns of repeat firing capabilities in the hands of anyone not in “active” duty within the armed forces or in law enforcement. We are tired of being tired. The White House seat, the Congress Democrats and Republicans who are allowing the NRA to dictate what is best for America, the time is now. It is personal, it is political, it is embarrassing that we are the only country with so many domestic gun deaths and we are suppose to be the world leader.
Prove it. America dares you to get it right.Debra Justin
Danger always lurks
To the editor,
The ever-increasing madness around the globe is growing exponentially every day. An insane shooter in Las Vegas somehow obtained guns and ammunition enough to blow away a small country. With all the rules and regulations in force it only proves, once again, if a deranged person wants to get weapons to commit heinous crimes, they will get them no matter what!
I am sure that feel-good politicians on the left have already started howling about guns and gun control as they do with every unfortunate event where guns are involved. One politician had even made a comment that all persons and parcels entering any high-rise building, be it residence, business or hotel, pass through metal detectors before being allowed access. I am sure that if this were in effect, the shooter would have found another venue to terrorize and inflict mass death.
There is no easy answer for any of these shootings and no doubt, whatever the FBI and police agencies learn, they may be able to thwart a similar event. There will be more evil acts in the future as no one on earth can stop a determined individual or group from carrying out their insane acts. We can only trust in our police and emergency forces to give a small modicum of protection especially in wide-open public events. I have stopped going to large crowd filled venues years ago because, ya can’t be too sure or trust anyone out there.Robert W. Lobenstein
Marine Park
Signing off
To the editor,
The Department of Transportation’s statement that it usually takes 14 days for missing street signs to be replaced made me laugh. (“Street signs snatched, Sept. 29”) I reported two missing Sheepshead Bay Road street signs at Emmons Avenue, 100 feet from my Assemblyman’s office, about a half dozen times. Each time, DOT responded with a broken promise as to when they would be replaced. Finally, they were replaced over three years later!
On Aug. 1, I received notification from DOT that my complaints for worn out crosswalks and a completely obliterated double yellow line for the entire length of Shore Boulevard (which has been obliterated for over one year now) were received.
Important street signs that are missing are also a safety issue because they confuse motorists and could cause them to make last minute decisions whether to turn or not to turn. So much for DOT stating that safety is their primary concern. Will I now have to wait three years for these latest issues to be resolved?
Allan Rosen
Manhattan Beach
Finish the job, please
To the editor,
The platforms on the N subway line southbound are currently under construction. The northbound stations were opened, though a few were not completed. The northbound platform at 86th Street was opened, even though the stairway is not completed.
One of the main reasons for the upgrade was that the walls were so badly caked with what testing had shown to be toxic liquids dripping down leading to the decay of the walls. Part of this work was the installation of a new wall in front of the old. (I do now know what was physically wrong with the old wall.)
Here’s the bad news — about 10 yards from the stairway going toward the back of the platform is a new dripping from the top of the wall. Once again this is dangerous to the public. It also shows that the construction was ineffective and incomplete. Not only must this be repaired as quickly as possible, the correction needs to be applied to all the stations on this route. The design flaw at the top of the wall is still allowing the problem to occur. Naturally the cost of fixing this will increase and should be burdened by the design company. So here is another waste of Metropolitan Transportation Authority funds.
Ronald Cohen
Call it low tech
To the editor:
After all the work being done by the ‘MTA FAST’ how come every morning on the radio I hear subway delays. It seems to be more common then before the question is “Why?” One would think the improvements would solve the problems but in reality it’s the same old same old.
We also hear of another fare raise down the road for what purpose? So how much money would the city need to improve bus and subway service? Don’t you think it would be helpful if the city and state worked together to find a solution making the transit system much more reliable. As I’ve mentioned more then once I check my phone for a bus time which tells me where and when that bus should arrive. What my phone never says that bus is out of service and possibly the next bus as well. So what’s the great improvement? Technology. Give me a break. Solomon Rafelowsky
Brighton Beach
Disciple of discipline
To the editor,
A week after a murder took place in a New York City classroom, Chancellor Farina stated that noisy classrooms may be a response to interactive play among the students, which she claimed to be educationally beneficial. These liberals will stop at nothing to avoid discussing the complete lack of discipline in our public schools. That’s why they justify cooperative learning as an example.
When will the Chancellor and Mayor get down to basics and admit that we have a major crisis in our schools? Instead, they choose to live on Fantasy Island.
Truth of the matter is that our schools shall never improve until the “600” school concept for disruptive students is brought back. The mayor and chancellor have both refused to discipline children and have made it virtually impossible to suspend unruly pupils. Let them bring back old fashioned discipline with zero intolerance for any infraction.
Ed Greenspan
Sheepshead Bay