Bay Ridge
Facelift time!
A special thank you to borough son Andrew Contrino. The Eagle Scout candidate of BSA Troop 310, as part of his community project, conceived and organized a beautification project to give Barkaloo Cemetery a much-needed make-over on May 19.
Just in time for Memorial Day, the teen commandeered classmates from Xaverian High School, and picked up shovels, rakes, and construction bags to clean up the tiny burial site — the borough’s smallest — and resting place of the remains of Revolutionary War soldiers. In order to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, a scout must complete a special project from planning to implementing and everything in between.
Andrew, who is a history buff, looked in his own backyard, right near the corner of his high school (Narrows Avenue and McKay Place) for his inspiration.
“This project is a labor of love,” Andrew explained.
The grad is planning on pursuing a career in politics and will begin studies at Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. in the fall.
BSA Troop 310 meets at Fort Hamilton Post Chapel Activities Center (Building 219 on the base in Bay Ridge, www.t310b