Members of the 62nd Precinct Community Council, commanding officer Capt. Bill Taylor of the 62nd Precinct, and Assemblyman Peter Abbate, (D–Bath Beach) stood up and cheered for Officers Ricardo Dicandia, Jason Bryant, Linda Buchelli, and Sgt. Eric Waldheim of the “62,” for going above and beyond the call of duty.
The Finest were presented with “Cop of the Month” awards at the monthly meeting on Feb. 18.
Courier shutterbug Steve Solomonson snapped the momentus occasion, and reported that Capt. Taylor was very proud of his officers for “harassing” the baddies in the community.
Standing O also learned that crime is down in their neck of the woods, and it’s no wonder considering you have the best of the Finest protecting us.
The fantastic four have been on a crime-busting spree since January, bringing miscreants to justice, assisting in two arrests for robberies — and an assault and robbery on New Year’s Day.
Standing O expresses its gratitude to these officers who patrol our streets and keep our communities safe.
Assemblyman Abbate added his praise and told Standing O, “I was honored and proud to be able to present these officers with a New York State Assembly Citation because they have shown their bravery and commitment to our community.”
62nd Police Precinct [1925 Bath Ave. at Bay 22nd Street in Bensonhurst, (718) 236–2611].