
Stroke job


A creep creeped out a 17th Street woman walking her dog with his slimy behavior on Aug. 3.

The victim was taking her pooch for a stroll between Fifth and Sixth avenues at around 7 am when a man cat-called her. As she passed him, he began stroking himself suggestively, so she fled.

He pursued her for a short time, but couldn’t keep up.

Slasher seized!

Police arrested a man armed who used a box-cutter to accost a woman as she moved her couch out of her apartment on 22nd Street on July 24.

The assailant slashed the woman’s couch and threatened both her and the mover as they labored between Fifth and Sixth avenues, but thankfully didn’t follow through on any of his violent boasts. By the time cops picked him up, he had tossed the box-cutter, but immediately confessed to the sofa assault.

Two-wheel thefts

It’s bike-theft time again:

• A $750 road bike was stolen on Sixth Avenue near 19th Street overnight on July 24. The victim said she had locked up the two-wheeler at 9 pm, but it was gone when she returned at 1 pm the next day.

•A thief stole a mountain bike valued at $600 early on Aug. 3. The victim had locked his bike to a fence on 15th Street between Seventh and Eighth avenues at 6:45 am and came back an hour later to find his ride jacked.