To the editor:
My purpose in writing to [theater critic Paulanne Simmons] is
twofold. Firstly, I would be remiss as a theatergoer, lover of
the arts and just plain person, if I neglected to tell you how
helpfully informative and concise your review of "Salome"
was ["Bloodlust,"
GO Brooklyn, Jan. 28, 2002].
For some strange reason, perhaps the incursions of age and the
loss of some synaptic connections, I could not remember the story
line involved. I believe it was in high school when I first encountered
this treasure of Wilde’s. Your well-crafted and poignantly phrased
review is certainly a pleasure that I intend to keep and alert
others to. It literally empowered me with a compelling knowledge
of the plot, the cast of characters and its enduring appeal.
I must however, respectfully part company with you on your perspective
of the lead, Bianca Stauffer. You said she was "chosen more
for her dancing ability than her experience as an actress"
with "neither the stature nor the voice necessary for the
role." "Childish, weak and whining," were some
additional unkind and emphatically untrue adjectives you chose.
Since I took the time to consider your thoughts, allow me the
response of telling you that I found her performance to be as
cogent as it was memorable. It was a wise move in casting to
assign this role to Stauffer. The juxtaposition of her youth
and voice to the maturity and "stentorian" quality
of Todd Anthony Jackson, memorably underscored the anxious plight
of the galvanized yet desperate Herod Antipas.
As an avid theatergoer, I found her performance to have an engaging
presence with a mature sense of the histrionic. I would hope
she continues to pursue her passion and craft as I believe she
has a most promising future on the stage. I can’t help but to
recall the prolonged time she sat having her hair braided by
her handmaidens. Even in that sustained posture, she spoke volumes
with her facial expressions and deft skill at emotional nuances,
in responding to the ongoing dialogue.
Since the outside of The Lyceum had posted your review at its
entrance gate, it was obvious that Stauffer had to be aware of
the contents. I commend her resilient ability to render the high
quality of performance she can be proud of, despite your somewhat
scathing comments.
There was a work written by Stanislavski, I believe it was titled
"The Fourth Wall"; essentially a treatise on the Herculean
task of making an impression on the fourth wall of an audience.
Stauffer negotiated that wall with confidence, skill and charm.
You did make reference in your review, to the "something
truly fascinating and theatrical in watching such talented and
experienced professionals mentoring young talent." It is
no mean task to pursue the muse and recreate art. As an exceptionally
sensitive and obviously gifted critic, and as something of a
mentor in your own right, I would suggest that you temper your
future critiques with a bit more tenderness.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Dyker memoir
To the editor:
Thank you very much for the kind review you wrote ["Dyker Hts Memoir," GO Brooklyn,
Dec. 24/31, 2001] of my little book, "A Child’s Christmas in Brooklyn."
Apparently a lot of people read it, and some old friends who once lived
on 81st Street and some who still live there contacted me. It has been
a joyous event. Thanks again! May you and yours have a healthy, productive
new year.