
‘Tiny’ crowd! Vaudeville show at Sycamore is canceled!

‘Tiny’ crowd! Vaudeville show at Sycamore is canceled!
Photo by Jim Moore

We just got a call from the folks who run this show, telling us that it is canceled for lack of performers.

But we didn’t want to take the story off our website because it messes with everyone’s links. So here’s the story that we originally published, plus one piece of vital information: This show is canceled.

This clown variety show comes with a familiar disclaimer — it’s not for kids.

Tinydangerousfun!, a monthly regular at Sycamore Bar in Ditmas Park, features clowns and puppetry, as well as burlesque, storytelling, music, dance and any other form of frenetic entertainment that can fit on Sycamore’s small basement stage.

As you’ve probably guessed, that’s where the “tiny” part of the name comes from; the space is small enough to comfortably host a Socialist Workers Party presidential fundraiser (ba-da-bing!). The “dangerous” comes from the 10-minute acts vaudeville acts — no, there’s no fire-eaters here, but the bits do take emotional risks.

And it’s always fun: This month’s installment, on Feb. 22, includes Dizzy Swank doing his Strippin’ Chewbacca bit — he puts the burly in burlesque — and clown Christopher Sheer performing magic and comedy.

“I’ve done magic burlesque, puppetry and weird German stand-up comedy,” said Sheer. “I can’t give away too much more without ruining surprises.”

Tinydangerousfun! at Sycamore [1118 Cortelyou Rd. at Westminister Road in Ditmas Park, (347) 240-5850], not on Feb. 22 at 8 pm. $10. For info, visit www.sycamorebrooklyn.com.