
UPDATE: Prospect Park Residence has turned on its air conditioning

Attorney general: Undercover geezer behind Slope senior sting
Photo by Jason Speakman

The operator of a Park Slope old-folks home finally obeyed court orders to turn on central air conditioning for his tenants on Tuesday night, according to a resident’s family member.

A state supreme court judge on Monday ordered Prospect Park Residence owner Haysha Deitsch to turn on the facility’s central air conditioning, but when The Brooklyn Paper last stopped by the nursing home on Tuesday afternoon, it was still off.

The facility’s management turned on the central cooling system on Tuesday evening, and the cold air finally kicked in the following morning, said the family member, adding that the building’s rooms and the lobby are now a comfortable temperature.

Reach reporter Allegra Hobbs at ahobbs@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8312.