They’re looking for a few good fellows!
Downtown arts organization Bric unveiled its new media lab last week, and is now hunting for a half-dozen artists to take full advantage of its state-of the-art editing bays, podcast recording studio, and screening room. The Bric Community Media Incubator will offer support and resources to new, diverse voices in film and television, said the vice president of Bric TV.
“In this first group, we’re looking for underrepresented voices and filmmakers of color,” said Aziz Isham.
The arts group will select six applicants for its first, six-month media fellowship, which will start in January, and the group plans to follow that first class with another half-dozen media-makers the second half of the year. Those chosen for the program will have access to the Media Incubator office space, including its editing suites and studios, can take classes in digital production and post-production, and will receive other support and mentorship from the arts organization.
Applicants must live or work in Brooklyn, and should have a specific audio or video project that they are working on, said Isham. Applications should be available at the end of October.
The Bric Community Media Incubator is located on Rockwell Place in Fort Greene, just across the street from the Bric House on Fulton Street, where the arts group has several performance and visual art venues. The new space also offers office space for Bric employees, many of whom had their desks crammed together in the old space, they joked during the opening party for the new space on Sept. 26.
The new second-floor Media Incubator space has a mostly soundproof booth for recording podcasts, which required some extra work because it abuts the screening room, noted the architect of the space, who also had to overcome a rumbly challenge from public transportation.
“There was a limited amount of quiet that the room could be, because of the subway,” said Dale Lunan. “Fortunately, we had a target level of quiet we were able to reach.”
Those who do not win the fellowship, or who simply cannot wait until November can still take advantage of Bric TV’s video equipment, which can be reserved by anyone who takes an orientation class, said Isham.
“Orientation, Media Education” class at Bric House, [647 Fulton St. at Rockwell Place in Fort Greene, (718) 683–5600, www.brica