
Neighbors celebrating neighbors: Housing advocates feted

Neighbors celebrating neighbors: Housing advocates feted
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Do-gooders gathered on Nov. 18 to raise money for Neighbors Helping Neighbors, a group dedicated to keeping low-income Brooklynites in their homes.

Pols, civic leaders, and locals poured into Union Hall in Park Slope to honor priest Kevin Sweeney of Saint Michael’s Church in Sunset Park for connecting his flock with tenant advocates and letting the organization use space in the church. The annual gala is a way to celebrate unsung heroes, an organizer said.

Good-father: Sunset Park priest Kevin Sweeney accepts an award for his tenant advocacy.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

“We try every year to recognize community members who work hard and don’t get much recognition,” said Rebecca Fischman, of the Fifth Avenue Committee, a Neighbors Helping Neighbors ally. “Father Sweeney works a lot with tenants and refers congregants when they need help.”

The event raised $13,000 for Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Fischman said. The organization provides counselling and advice to poor people facing eviction, foreclosure, and other housing issues.

Men of the hour: Honorees Kevin Sweeney and Ken Inadome bask in the moment.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Reach reporter Noah Hurowitz at nhuro‌witz@‌cnglo‌cal.com or by calling (718) 260–4505. Follow him on Twitter @noahhurowitz