
Sino-American Archway Association raises funds for Chinese ‘friendship archway’ in Sunset Park

Sino-American Archway Association raises funds for Chinese ‘friendship archway’ in Sunset Park
Photo by Caroline Ourso

Sunset Park

Archway to friendship

Standing O congratulates the head honchos at the Sino-American Archway Association for raising more than two million dollars on Dec. 6 to pay for the shipping and installation of a Chinese “friendship archway” designating the entrance to Sunset Park’s Chinatown neighborhood sometime next year, according to association president Winnie Greco, who said association bigwigs were grateful to everyone who chipped in.

“The archway organization appreciated the community who sponsored the archway,” Greco said.

The forthcoming 40-foot-tall archway is a gift from the leaders of Chaoyang, Beijing’s largest district. Civic do-gooders raised the funds for the archway’s installation at the event at Park Asia Restaurant on Eighth Avenue between 65th and 66th streets — just blocks from the entrance to the neighborhood, where the archway will stand, between 60th and 61st streets.

Borough President Adams donated the lion’s share of funds, shelling out some two million dollars in capital funding for the planning, construction, and installation of the in-the-works archway structure, according to his communications director Stefan Ringel.

Other attendees and local pols — including Councilman Mark Treyger (D–Coney Island) and Councilman Justin Brannan (D–Bay Ridge) — helped raise an additional $25,000 at the fund-raising event, according to Greco.— Julianne McShane

Reach reporter Julianne McShane at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jmcshane@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @juliannemcshane.