
Some tea bagger ruined this woman’s coffee break!

Some tea bagger ruined this woman’s coffee break!
Community Newspaper Group / Claire Glass

“Obamacare” has claimed another unlikely victim: A liberal Park Slope woman’s bumper-sticker-covered car!

Someone stuck a piece of cardboard to her car door — using tar as glue — cursing liberals and everything they stand for.

The victim of this hate-filled vulgarity, Frances Lippette, was enjoying a cup of coffee last Friday afternoon on Seventh Avenue, and found the distasteful defacement when she returned to her car parked on Berkeley Place.

The epithet filled tirade, which read, “F- Obama, Librer [sic] a-hole. F- that socialist,” almost made Lippette spill her Fair Trade java.

“This is my beloved Park Slope,” Lippette said. “I think of this area as being so liberal. We watched the whole neighborhood become what it is.”

Lippette raised two children in Park Slope, and even worked on President Obama’s campaign in North Carolina. The back of her car is covered with stickers showing her liberal-mindedness — something most of Park Slope can relate to, or so she thought.

This incident is minor compared to the death threats being left at — and in some cases hurled through the window of — congressional offices in the wake of last month’s health care vote, but the hate behind it is the same.

“I’m 67 years old, so when I think of everything this country has been through I thought we were on an upswing, but if this could happen here, maybe not.”

Community Newspaper Group / Claire Glass