
What to pack on your winter picnic

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Photo by Stefano Giovannini

If you want to picnic like a champion this winter — whether you are competing for a prize or not — you are going to need a few essentials. And it would not be a real Brooklyn picnic if those items were not locally-sourced from borough purveyors. Here are a few we recommend:

Thermos of hot chocolate

The rich, indulgent mix from Jacques Torres is arguably the best in Brooklyn. Drinking alcohol in public is illegal, so we definitely would not recommend spiking it with a touch of whiskey. Nope, not at all.

Jacques Torres [66 Water St. between Dock and Main streets in Dumbo, (718) 875–1269, www.mrchocolate.com].

Warm blanket

If there is snow on the ground, you will need to lay a tarp down first, but to have a proper winter picnic, you will need something cozy to sit on. Brook Farm General Store has a number of cozy wool blankets that are nice enough to be re-used anywhere.

Brook Farm General Store [75 S. Sixth St. bear Berry Street in Williamsburg, (718) 388–8642, www.brookfarmgeneralstore.com]


Picnics are best with finger food, but standard five-finger fare like pickles and fruit salad are a little chilly for this time of year. Dumplings from any culture are a great substitute — just fry them up and keep them in an insulated bag. For an even simpler approach, grab some pierogi to go at Greenpoint’s Lomzynianka.

Lomzynianka [646 Manhattan Ave. between Norman and Nassau avenues in Greenpoint, (718) 389–9439, www.lomzynianka.com]


For the main course, however, takeout is cheating. For a real picnic, you should make your own meal — preferably something you can eat with two gloved hands. Of course, a good sandwich requires good bread — try the classic fresh-baked loaves than Bay Ridge Bakery.

Bay Ridge Bakery [7805 Fifth Ave. at 78th Street in Bay Ridge, (718) 238–0014, www.bayridgebakery.com].

Reach reporter Jaime Lutz at jlutz@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-8310. Follow her on Twitter @jaime_lutz.