
Slashers attack man on 4 train Downtown


Fort Greene–Clinton Hill

Train slasher 

Two brutes attacked a man on a 4 train near Fulton Street on May 26.

The victim told police that he got into a fight with the villains on the southbound 4 train near Flatbush Avenue at 12:30 am, when one sprayed him in the face with an unknown substance while the other slashed him in the face.

Paramedics rushed the victim to Brooklyn Hospital for treatment, according to police reports.

Not good

Police cuffed a man for allegedly attacking a guy with a bottle on Myrtle Avenue on May 26.

The victim told police that the suspect walked up to him and asked “what’s good” between Clinton and Vanderbilt avenues at 8:40 am, before allegedly hitting him with the bottle and punching him in the face.

Police caught up with the man at Park and N. Portland avenues and arrested him on felony robbery charges.

Crash bandit

Some bandit took a man’s cellphone and punched him after a car crash on Clermont Avenue on May 28.

The victim told police that he was involved in a car collision at Dekalb Avenue at around midnight and tried to call 911, when the bruiser punched him and took his phone, before fleeing west on Dekalb Avenue.

Gunpoint snacks snatch

A gun-wielding knave robbed a bodega on Flatbush Avenue Ext. on May 28.

An employee told police that the lout nabbed a bag of chips and a protein bar before heading out without paying near Fulton Street at 10:10 pm, before drawing a gun and pointing it at the employee who tried to stop him from leaving.


An attacker hurled a glass bottle at a high-ranking cop at a protest on Dekalb Avenue on May 29.

The victim, the commanding officer of the 75th precinct deputy inspector John Mastronardi, was assigned to control crowds near Classon Avenue at 9:30 pm, when someone threw the bottle at him, hitting him the mouth — causing him to lose a tooth as well as suffer cuts to his lip which required stitches.

Paramedics rushed the commander to a Queens hospital for treatment, according to the authorities.

Cop puncher

Some malefactor punched a police officer in the face during a protest on Lafayette Avenue on May 29.

The victim said that he was trying to disperse a crowd near Classon Avenue at 10:30 pm, when the man punched him in the face, before fleeing the scene, according to police.

Heavy hitter

An assailant threw an object at a police officer on Dekalb Avenue on May 29.

The officer claimed the lawbreaker threw the heavy material at the cop near S. Portland Avenue at 9 pm, hitting him in the back of the neck.

Ear shot

A police officer suffered a busted up ear after someone threw an object at him at Dekalb Avenue on May 29.

The victim says he was trying to disperse a crowd of protesters near Steuben Street at 8:35 pm, when someone launched an object at him hitting him in the ear.

Right bat at you

Someone threw a baton at a police officer on Dekalb Avenue on May 29.

The victim told police that he was working a protest when a ne’er-do-well flung a baton at his head at St. James Place at 8:30 pm.

Rubble rouser

An attacker threw a brick at a police lieutenant on Classon Avenue on May 29.

The victim, lieutenant Robert Corbett, was outside the 88th Precinct station house at Classon Avenue at 9:30 pm, when a protester threw the block at the cop, breaking a tooth and causing cuts and bruises.

Paramedics rushed the lieutenant to a Queens hospital where doctors stitched his wounds and gave him a stint for his tooth, according to the authorities.