
Baby shower gone bad

Three shot

A crazed gunman opened fire on a group of revelers attending a Dean Street baby shower on Jan. 9, wounding three people.

Witnesses told police that the happy event was ending inside a hall between Washington and Grand avenues at 12:15 am when the gunman began arguing with his victims.

He then pulled his pistol and opened fire, striking all three of them in the legs and buttocks.

All three were taken to Kings County Hospital for treatment. Police said it remained unclear what sparked the argument.

Grocery raid

Three masked gunmen held up a Grand Avenue Key Food during a high stakes Jan. 7 raid.

The thieves entered the grocery between Bergen Street and St. Marks Avenue at 8:45 pm, pistol-whipping an employee before emptying three cash registers of $800.

Robbed on delivery

A 13-year-old boy was arrested after he and three of his friends jumped a Chinese food deliveryman on Sterling Street.

The victim was between Vanderbilt and Underhill avenues at 12:25 pm when the young thugs attacked and ran off with $27 in food.