
Big time drug theft at Lowen’s

Pill perp

Someone stole $18,000 and dozens of prescription meds from Lowen’s Pharmacy on Third Avenue overnight on Oct. 19.

The owner of the drug store, which is between Bay Ridge and Ovington avenues, told cops that his employee forgot to lock the back door when he closed the shop around 8 pm. The perp slipped in sometime before 8 am the next morning to swipe hundreds of dollars worth of pills, which included Adderall and Percocet.

Tech thief

A video game-loving bandit jacked an XBox 360 and other gadgets from a 78th Street apartment on Oct. 15.

The victim told cops that he left his crib, which is between Fourth and Fifth avenues, at around 6 am. He returned nine hours later to find that his gaming system, games, laptop and desktop monitor were gone. Cops say that the burglar sneaked into the home by climbing up the fire escape and unlocking the bedroom window.

Laptop looter

Someone broke into a car near the corner of Fort Hamilton Parkway and 85th Street on Oct. 16, stealing a MacBook and its charger.

The victim told cops that he was away from his car for only an hour. When he returned at 3 pm, he saw that the window was broken and that his stuff had been swiped.

Discount drama

A thief broke in the basement door of a Third Avenue shop overnight on Oct. 18 to steal cash and a laptop.

The owner of Xin Rong Discounts, which is between 79th and 80th streets, told cops that she closed up at around 9:30 am and returned the next morning to find the laptop jacked and the cash missing from the register.

Parkway pick

A burglar sneaked through an unlocked window of a Bay Ridge Parkway house on Oct. 19 to steal cash, a laptop, jewelry and prescription meds.

The victim told cops that he was gone from his home, which is between 74th and 75th streets, from 2:30 pm to 7 pm, when he returned to find the stuff gone.

— Alex Rush

Deep cuts

A 41-year-old left another man with a near-fatal neck wound on Oct. 25 during a skirmish on 63rd Street.

The victim was between 16th and 17th avenues at 3:20 pm when he said he got into an argument with his future assailant.

After a brief shouting match, the 41-year-old lunged, striking his victim repeatedly with a metal pipe. He then stabbed his victim in the neck with a box cutter.

The victim was rushed to a local hospital with serious injuries, and the 41-year-old was charged with attempted murder, police said.

Scissor swinger

A 19-year-old woman was arrested on W. 24th Street on Oct. 23 after she stabbed another woman in the shoulder with a pair of scissors.

The two women were arguing between Mermaid and Surf avenues at 1 am when the scissor swinger attacked, leaving her opponent with a deep cut.

Responding officers charged her with assault in the second degree.

Three on one

Three thieves ganged up on a 19-year-old on E. 26th Street on Oct. 19 and ran off with the young man’s credit cards.

The victim was nearing Avenue X at 2:43 pm when the suspects surrounded him and forced him to hand over the cards.

Benz breaker busted

A 17-year-old thief was caught breaking into a Mercedes Benz parked on Dunne Court on Oct. 23.

The owner of the luxury car said she woke up at 2:45 am and looked out the window to her home, which isbetween E. Seventh Street and Coney Island Avenue, only to find the thief rooting through her vehicle, which was parked right in front of her window.

When she banged on her window, the thief ran off. But he didn’t get far, said police, who apprehended the thief a short time later.

Beaten and robbed

A thug attacked his 44-year-old girlfriend during a skirmish on W. Second Street on Oct. 24.

The victim told police she was embroiled in an argument with her beau in their home, which is between Avenue X and Avenue Y, at 10:30 am when he struck her in the face, broke their computer and fled with her 2005 Hyundai.

Cops were still trying to track the thief down by late Tuesday.

No laughing matter

A thief who broke into a W. 16th Street apartment back on Sept. 19 gave his victim ample warning — a text that said he was going to the home to “have a laugh,” police said.

The victim, however, wasn’t laughing when she went to her home, which is between Bay 50th Street and Avenue Z, and found that the lock had been forced and her things rifled through. A laptop computer and $2,000 had been taken, the woman told police.

The 38-year-old thief wasn’t through with her, however. He reportedly texted her again later that night, threatening to harm her if she reported the burglary or a previous crime she saw the thief commit.

Detectives from the 60th Precinct caught up with the thief this week, charging him with burglary, criminal trespass and tampering with a witness.

Joyce Leslie loot

A worker at an 86th Street Joyce Leslie was arrested this week for siphoning from her cash drawer.

Workers at the store, which is between 21st Avenue and Bay Parkway, claim the woman took nearly $3,000 after generating a series of fake cash refunds to customers that never existed.

When questioned, the woman admitted to the theft, claiming she needed the money to care for her autistic son.

Glass houses

A thief busted through the skylight of an E. 19th Street home on Oct. 15, taking an assortment of jewelry.

The homeowner said she left her house, which is between Avenues Y and Z, at 2 pm.

When she returned at 8:30 pm, she found nothing wrong until she went to her bedroom, which was left covered with glass shards.

Birthday bash

A birthday party at the Any Way Cafe ended in bloodshed on Oct. 12 when a fight broke out inside the Oriental Boulevard restaurant.

Festivities were in full swing at 12:30 am when the 46-year-old victim’s ex-girlfriend — and her new boyfriend — joined the celebration.

After a few sharp words, the new beau attacked the victim with a small table, leaving him hospitalized, police said.

Slap happy

A touchy-feely fiend accosted a 19-year-old woman on Oct. 22 during a surprise encounter on Ocean Avenue.

The victim was nearing a bus stop near Kings Highway at 10:30 pm when the unidentified suspect grabbed her buttocks and ran off.

Motoring menace

A dangerous driver attacked another motorist during an apparent road rage incident on E. 17th Street on Oct. 24.

Details are sketchy about what sparked the 9:15 am confrontation near Kings Highway, but cops were told that the unidentified driver stopped his vehicle, got out, and punched his 29-year-old victim through the man’s car window, leaving him bruised.

He then jumped back into his car and sped off, police were told.

Bedford run

A thief forced a 16-year-old to empty his pockets during an Oct. 20 skirmish on Bedford Avenue.

Police said the victim was nearing Avenue P at 3 pm when the suspect threatened him out of his iPod, some cash and a pair of headphones.

However, the thief didn’t have long to enjoy the loot, since cops caught up with him a short time later and charged him with robbery.

Pop tarts

Cops have nabbed one of three thugs wanted for a May 20 robbery outside Brooklyn College.

Officials said the suspects jumped their male victim on Hillel Place between Flatbush Avenue and Amersfort Place at 8 am by surrounding him and jamming a hard object in his side.

“I will pop you,” one of the thieves threatened before all three ran off with a cellphone and $15.

Police said that the 19-year-old thief was arrested this week, charged with robbery.

Knock out

Police have arrested the thuggish brute who knocked a man unconscious before robbing him on Avenue U back on Dec. 29.

Police said that 29-year-old thief was nabbed this week for the 10 pm attack that happened near McDonald Avenue. He allegedly struck his victim in the head with a bottle, knocking him out, before rifling through his pockets, police said.

Black mask attack

A gun-toting masked maniac robbed a 53-year-old man on Oct. 17 on E. 58th Street.

The victim was between Avenue H and Avenue I at 11:50 pm when the suspect grabbed him and flashed his gun.

The thief made off with $360 and some jewelry, police said.

Guns and getaways

A thief pulled a gun on a woman on Avenue N on Oct. 21, but ran off before he could get any money.

The 47-year-old woman was nearing E. 48th Street at 11:35 pm when the man approached her from behind, drew his gun and ordered her to hand over her property.

But before she got a chance to hand over the money the thief lost his nerve and ran off, police said.

Coffee crack-up

An over-caffeinated man wigged out inside a Ralph Avenue diner on Oct. 24, throwing a pot of hot coffee at another patron.

Police said the man, apparently upset, started a skirmish inside the eatery, which is between Glenwood and Flatlands Avenue, at 5:20 pm.

During his fit the man threw the hot joe at a 22-year-old man, who was scalded. A 35-year-old woman also suffered an injury to her knee.

—Thomas Tracy

Followed and robbed

A gun-toting goon followed a 23-year-old for at least a block on Oct. 18 before swiping her cellphone on Foster Avenue.

The victim was nearing E. 56th Street at 10:15 pm when the goon jumped her.

Bum rushed

Two toughs ganged up on a 20-year-old woman on Oct. 20, robbing her on Avenue J.

The victim was near E. 46th Street at 6:12 pm when the thugs robbed her of $3, her credit cards, cellphone and ID, police said.

Gone clubbin’

A thief broke into a car parked on Avenue M on Oct. 17, taking a set of golf clubs.

The car was parked between E. 52nd and E. 53rd streets at 11 pm.

The thief smashed the driver’s side window to take the clubs and some electronics.

Tool time

An assortment of tools — as well as two wool coats — were swiped from an E. 18th Street home on Oct. 8.

Police believe the thief entered the home, which is between Avenues R and S, sometime after 3 pm by forcing open the rear basement door.

The theft wasn’t discovered until Oct. 11, police were told.

Garage grab

Thieves broke into the garage of an E. Seventh Street home on Sept. 29, taking an $800 mountain bike.

The homeowner, who lives between Avenues R and S, said that the bike was last seen in the garage at 5 pm. It was discovered missing at 9:45 am on Oct. 3, police were told.

Boating blues

A water-crafty thief made off with a 40-year-old man’s favorite toy on Oct. 9 — a “Quicksilver” boat left docked off of Flatbush Avenue.

The boat owner told police he last saw his beloved boat anchored in the water inside the Gateway Marina at 6 pm. A few days later, he learned his boat was no longer there.

Ave. R raid

Thieves broke into two apartments on Avenue R on Oct. 13, taking a smattering of cash, electronics and jewelry.

Police said the thief crept into both apartments, which are located between Kimball and Coleman streets, sometime after 1 pm. He removed air conditioners found sticking out of side windows to get inside, cops were told.