
Duo seeks date — steals phone instead

Flirt jerk

Two louts stole a teen’s cellphone on Smith Street on Oct. 18 after hitting her up for a date, but they didn’t get far (with the girl or the phone).

The 16-year-old victim told cops she was entering the Carroll Street subway station near President street at around 4:50 pm when one of the thugs sidled up to her and queried, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

Before the girl could rebuff the advance, the jerk reached into her pocket and stole her phone.

The pair ran off, but Officer Alan Yip caught up with them, arresting a 20-year-old and 21-year-old for grand larceny and criminal possession of stolen property.

Cops tied the duo to two other robberies committed in the 84th Precinct.

Drug dopes

Someone broke into the Clinton Apothecary overnight on Oct. 10.

The 30-year-old victim told cops that the wannabe thieves broke into the shop, at Clinton and President streets, between 6:45 pm and 9 am the next day. The victim noticed damage to the basement door lock, but has not yet been able to determine if any merchandise had been stolen.

Drug dopes II

Someone broke into a Van Brunt street pharmacy on Oct. 22 and stole cash.

A witness told cops he saw two men clad in all black breaking into Nate’s Pharmacy near Wolcott Street between 2:40 am and 2:55 am. The 62-year-old victim said the desperate duo stole $350.

LICH clip

Someone stole a woman’s property from Long Island College Hospital’s pediatrics facility on Amity Street on Oct. 19.

The 37-year-old victim said she placed her bag on a table inside the medical center near Henry Street at around 4:54 pm. Minutes later, the bag was gone, along with an assortment of credit and bank cards.

Coat napper

Someone stole a man’s jacket from atop his car on Baltic Street on Oct. 23.

The 33-year-old victim told cops he put his jacket on the car’s hood as he gassed up his ride at around 4:25 pm between Smith and Court streets. Moments later, his $300 Steven Alan jacket, along with a $699 iPhone, house keys, credit and bank cards, were missing.

— Gary Buiso