
F train outage really screws this rider

F’ing nightmare

Add one more straphanger to the tens of thousands who have been screwed by ongoing track work on the F train — a woman whose bag was swiped by a pickpocket working a “very crowded” weekend shuttle bus.

The 27-year-old victim told cops that she was on the free shuttle at Fourth Avenue at around 4 pm on Nov. 14 when she felt someone brushing up against her.

It was no frisky fellow rider, however; when the lady got off the bus, she checked her bag and discovered that her wallet had been swiped. By the time she called her credit card company, $255 in charges had been made.

Gun mug

A gunman roughed up a woman and stole her cellphone on Seventh Avenue on Nov. 17, but got spooked by a passerby before he could do more damage.

The victim told police that she was near Carroll Street at around 9:30 pm when a man sneaked up from behind, pushed her against a door, showed off his silver pistol and said, “Give me your money.”

She managed to hand over the phone before the perp was “scared away” by a pedestrian, according to cops.

In store

Two men broke into a Fifth Avenue boutique on Nov. 17, stealing cash and stylish jackets.

Cops said that surveillance footage shows the two men pulling on the front door of the store, which is between Second and Third streets, at around 5:30 am, until the door finally opened.

That’s when the action shifted inside, where one man stuffed items into a bag while the other stole $200 from a cash box behind the counter.

Burg roundup

At least two homes were busted into last week:

• Thieves entered through the rear window of a Fifth Avenue apartment at around 6 pm on Nov. 15, taking a 32-inch TV, two computers and a Wii game from the unit, which is at Degraw Street.

• A thief busted into a Ninth Street apartment on Nov. 15, taking a 32-inch TV and a DVD player. The tenant said he was out of town when the break-in occurred at around 9 am inside the unit, which is between Fourth and Fifth avenues.

Car trouble

At least two vehicles were burglarized and two stolen last week:

• A thief stole a handtruck from a company van on Fifth Avenue on Nov. 18. The owner told cops that he discovered the crime at around noon when he returned to the spot, between Union and President streets, to find broken glass and an empty space where his tool had been.

• A thief stole a tool bag from a Chevy on Sixth Street overnight on Nov. 19. The owner told cops that there were no signs of a break-in of his car, which had been parked between Fifth and Sixth avenues, but when he checked the place where he always kept his bag, he discovered that it was missing. He lost tools including a navigation system, volt tester, a flashlight and other essentials.

• The owner of a 2010 Mercury returned to a spot on Sixth Avenue to find his fancy wheels gone on Nov. 20. He told cops that he’d parked near Ninth Street at 1 pm that day, but the car was gone 15 hours later.

• A thief took a new Kawasaki motorcycle off Sackett Street between Nov. 17 and Nov. 20. The owner told cops that he had parked between Third and Fourth avenues.

— Gersh Kuntzman