
Five hospitalized after Crown Heights fire

Five people were hospitalized in the fire that broke out in an apartment building at 1547 Union St. in Crown Heights.
Five people were hospitalized in the fire that broke out in an apartment building at 1547 Union St. in Crown Heights.
Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

A massive fire broke out in Crown Heights on Monday, sending residents rushing to the burning building to rescue trapped neighbors. 

Five people were hospitalized in the inferno that broke out at around 11:30 a.m. at 1547 Union St., a three-story building near the corner of Albany Avenue. 

The scene of the fire in Crown Heights.
The scene of the fire in Crown Heights.Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Noel Heroux was driving by the scene when he saw the commotion, and snapped into action. 

“I rushed in and helped bring out an elderly person in thick smoke,” he said. 

The fire extended from the second floor to the third floor, and FDNY units used three hose-lines to knock down the main body of the blaze. 

FDNY personnel worked for nearly an hour to quash the blaze in Crown Heights.
FDNY personnel worked for nearly an hour to quash the blaze.Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

The situation was placed under control at around 12:20 p.m., nearly an hour after the initial spark. 

Paramedics took the five injured people to local hospitals for treatment of smoke inhalation, cuts and bruises.

The fire is under the investigation of the FDNY’s fire marshal office.