
Heroic work by bartender!

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Window smash

A 32-year-old barfly busted the window to a Henry Street watering hole on Sept. 24 — but was nabbed by a bartender before he could escape.

The suds slinger was attending his customers inside the bar between Atlantic Avenue and State Street at 2:20 am when the thug elbowed the window, shattering it.

Witnesses identified the alleged window breaker, whom the bartender grabbed outside the establishment.

Prying eyes

A 37-year-old man was arrested on Sept. 21 after he allegedly tried to break into Future Green Studios on Third Street.

Cops said that they found the thief trying to pry open a window at the building between Bond and Hoyt streets just before 8 am. When they asked him what he was doing, the suspect allegedly claimed that he was trying to recover some clothes he left inside the building the night before.

Sticky fingers

Crooks swiped purses, wallets, and handbags from three unsuspecting victims in Carroll Gardens and Red Hook this week. Here’s the rundown:

• A thief swiped a leather handbag off a table inside Frankie’s Bar and Restaurant on Court Street on Sept. 23 as its owner stepped outside for a smoke.

The victim exited the restaurant between Fourth Place and Luquer Street for few moments at 11:30 pm when it disappeared — along with the $80, iPhone, and credit cards inside it.

• A goon snagged a wallet from a baby stroller inside Carroll Park on Sept. 21.

The new mom was tending to her baby on the Smith Street side of the park at President Street when witnesses said a man talking on his phone scooped the wallet up as he passed.

• A crook canvassing the Ikea on Beard Street grabbed a bag left on the floor by a 51-year-old man exploring a selection of dishwashers at around 11:30 am.

Big shots

A gunman opened fire at a 22-year-old during a Sept. 21 skirmish on Hoyt Street — leaving his victim hospitalized.

The victim was inside the lobby of the Gowanus Houses apartment building between Warren and Baltic streets at 8:01 pm when the suspect opened fire, hitting him in the stomach, upper thigh and lower leg.

— Thomas Tracy