Students at David A. Boody Junior High School rang in the Chinese New Year with a showbill worthy of an extravaganza.
Teachers, students and visitors celebrated the Year of the Rabbit by enjoying a thrilling performance by the Gravesend school’s costumed Chinese Dance Troupe, which stepped up the festive tempo with an eye-popping fan dance, followed by a cheerleader boost.
The talented bunch shared the spotlight with professional Chinese entertainers, including the Zhao Xia Dancing Group, which presented a folk dance entitled, “The Spanish Girl,” and Master Yung, a dance group which wowed with the heart-pounding Lion’s dance. The rollicking jig has been a part of Chinese culture for thousands of years, and is performed on auspicious occasions to signify luck and prosperity.
The lion dancers weren’t the only ones who were the cat’s meow. Acrobat Qiong-Qoing Wang moved the audience to a hush when she balanced 11 liquid-filled glasses on her mouth, topped by a floral arrangement! A post-show party with Chinese food topped the revel.
“It was a very fun evening, we had a full house,” said English teacher Doug Monroe.
It was also the first Chinese New Year celebration for many in the rainbow audience, he said.
“We have a very diverse school, and a lot of people were exposed to a Chinese New Year celebration for the first time.”