
Jerk swipes cyclist’s purse from bike basket

78th Precinct

Park Slope

Wheely lame

A thief snatched a purse containing some electronics from a cyclist riding her bike on Park Place on June 15.

The 26-year-old victim told police she was biking near Sixth Avenue at 12:45 pm when a man grabbed her purse from the basket of her bike.

He then jumped in a blue sedan and sped toward Grand Army Plaza — making off with the electronic reading device and iPhone inside her bag.

Kicks nicked

A crook smashed the window of a car parked on Bergen Street on June 16 — and swiped the owner’s fancy shoes.

The 23-year-old victim told cops he parked his brown 2009 Acura near Fifth Avenue at 11:45 pm, then came back the next day at 8:20 am. That’s when he discovered his right passenger’s-side window was shattered — and his pair of $900 Nike Airs and iPod gone.

Uneasy rider

A quick-moving thief stole a motorcycle on Sterling Place on June 16.

The 32-year-old victim told cops he parked his gray 2007 Suzuki motorbike near Fifth Avenue at 6 am, then came back around 2:40 pm and discovered it was gone — with no sign of broken glass.

Train pain

Cops say a crook jacked a cellphone from a straphanger on Flatbush Avenue on June 16.

The 34-year-old victim told cops he was riding a Manhattan-bound 3 train at 3:10 pm when it stopped near Grand Army Plaza. A man then grabbed an iPhone from his hand and ran off the train before the doors closed, police say.

Cops arrested a 38-year-old suspect the same day.

Hog gone

A jerk swiped a pricey motorcycle on Union Street between March 12 and June 14.

The 37-year-old victim told cops he parked his orange 2009 KTM motorcycle near Sixth Avenue, left it for about three months, then discovered the $7,000 ride gone.

— Natalie O’Neill

Reach reporter Thomas Tracy at ttracy@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2525.