
Kings Plaza statutory rape

Kings Plaza rape

Police are investigating a teenage girl’s claims that she was sexually assaulted inside the Kings Plaza parking lot.

The 13-year-old told police she was picked up by a 41-year-old acquaintance at 10 pm on Aug. 18 and taken to the lot, which is on Avenue U between E. 54th and E. 55th streets, where the two had sex.

Cops said the male faces statutory rape charges if arrested.

Home invasion

A thug surprised and robbed a 79-year-old’s inside her own Avenue P home on Aug. 20, taking her property.

Cops were told the thief entered the home, which is between Marine Parkway and E. 31st Street, through and unlocked front door and surprised the victim.

He then ordered her to the bedroom and tied her to the bed before making off with an undisclosed amount of her belongings, police said. No weapons were used.

Robbed at gunpoint

Three thugs held up a man at gunpoint at the corner of E. 38th Street and Avenue U on Aug. 17, robbing him of his cellphone.

The victim said he was nearing the corner at 11:20 pm when the suspects jumped him.

No will

Meet the gang who couldn’t think straight: Two thugs who decided to shake down a roommate on Aug. 15 by refusing to let him leave his own home.

The dunce-capped duo then decided to leave their victim alone long enough to call police, who arrested the two men with unlawful imprisonment and robbery.

The victim, a resident of E. 58th Street between Avenues H and I, told police that the two suspects held him against his will overnight, demanding he fork over some cash.

They then left. When they returned, cops arrested them.

Bottle breaker

A woman attacked an 18-year-old with a bottle during a Ralph Avenue skirmish on Aug. 20.

The victim told police that she and the other woman were arguing inside an apartment, which is between Glenwood and Farragut roads, at 2:10 pm when the assailant lunged at her with a glass bottle, leaving her with a small injury.

Wooden purchase

An unhinged customer wigged out on a worker at a Utica Avenue store on Aug. 20, striking him in the face with a piece of wood.

The victim said that he was inside the store, which is between Avenues M and N, when the customer came in at 2:10 pm and began arguing with him.

During the brief spat, the man picked up the wood and struck his victim, leaving him with a small injury.

Cops caught up with the assailant a short time later, charging him with assault.

Bad visit

Two thieves mugged a woman on Aug. 18 as she rang the bell to an E. 56th Street home.

The victim said she was visiting the address, which is between Avenues H and I, at 10 pm when the thugs shoved her and made off with her property. One of the suspects was arrested a short time later, officials said.

Home raid

Someone ransacked an Avenue M home between E. 38th and Ryder streets on Aug. 16.

When the 77-year-old resident returned home, everything was thrown about — so much so that he’s unsure if anything was taken, the victim told police.

The thief ripped out a window screen in order to get inside.

Back door attempt

A thief attempted to open the rear door of a Bergen Avenue home on Aug. 20, but didn’t get inside.

The 29-year-old resident of the home, which is between Avenues U and T, told police that when she returned home before 8 pm, she noticed her back door was riddled with pry marks, as if someone had taken a crowbar to her home.

Side entry

A crook broke into a home on E. 69th Street on Aug. 20, taking an assortment of electronics.

The thief forced open a side window to the home, which is between Avenues U and T, sometime after 8:30 pm in order to get inside, cops were told.