
Murder at a deli on Lincoln Place!

A trigger-happy gunman killed a 34-year-old on May 19 on Lincoln Place and Franklin Avenue in what might have been a gang slaying.

Police were called to the corner at 10:56 am and found the victim lying on the ground, bleeding from a single gunshot wound to the head.

The victim, whose name had not been released, died at Kings County Hospital.

Notes left at the scene of the crime identified the murdered man as “Ronald Alexander Robert Lee Glover II.”

“Love you, little bro,” added one note, signed “BR,” that was left in front of the Shorey Discount Deli. Near the notes were votive candles, open bottles of Absolut vodka, a picture of the victim and flowers.

One resident had left a sign that said, “No more shootings!” Another left one that read, “Bloodpup,” a possible indication of the victim’s gang affiliation, police said.

A worker at the deli said that he heard the gunshots and ran outside to find firefighters, who had been passing by, already working to save the shot man.

The block was closed off until 4 pm, and the store couldn’t open until 5.

The worker, who declined to give his name, said that he wasn’t scared for his life, but was more frustrated that the deli had to close down for so long.

— with Ben Kochman