
Not for Nuthin’, but enjoy that Turkey

Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile tempus…

“But it flees in the meantime: time flees irretrievably.”

This old world has turned round the sun one more time and here we are again. My time to wish you all the time to do all those things that you never have the time to do, and offer a few of my thanks and wishes.

Top-10 list of things to be grateful for:

• Harold Camping was wrong, wrong and then wrong again.

• Osama bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

• Moammar Khadafy sleeps with the fishes.

• Mayor Bloomberg cleaned up Zuccotti Park.

• It’s Mayor Bloomberg’s last term (we hope).

• The troops are coming home.

• My basement is dry.

• My roof is fixed.

• My family is healthy.

• I am part of the 99 percent that still has a job.


• May you never lose hope that you’ve run out of time and may you always have time left to say goodbye.

• May you always have the ability to laugh at yourself and have your tongue firmly planted in your cheek.

• May you always have the time you need, the time to appreciate the small things and the time to live through the big things.

• May your turkey be juicy, your gravy not lumpy, your sides plentiful and only split with laughter, and, most important, may you always have the time to savor your hellos.


Thanks to those who read my words, whether you agree or don’t doesn’t matter, because without you, there wouldn’t be a Not for Nuthin.

Not for Nuthin™, but have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Joanna DelBuono writes about national issues every Wednesday on BrooklynDaily.com.