
Sept. 11, 2001: As seen from Brooklyn

Sept. 11, 2001: As seen from Brooklyn

Those of us who lived in Brooklyn at the time remember exactly where we were — and what we did — when we found out a plane had crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

For Brooklyn Paper photographer Tom Callan, the news meant heading from his Clinton Street apartment in Brooklyn Heights to the Promenade, camera in tow, to see what was going on — and to document it.

The slideshow above — shot at time before digital cameras when newspaper photographers had to carefully choose their shots lest they run out of film — is an eerie remembrance of that day 15 years ago.

The back cover of every edition of The Brooklyn Paper was adorned with an American flag in the week following Sept. 11.

Callan moved from the Promenade, to Old Fulton Street, to the Brooklyn Bridge, and finally to Court Street, recording everything he could.

The photos later appeared in The Brooklyn Paper, and are presented here in full frame, without editing, and in chronological order.

Self portrait by Tom Callan
Photo by Tom Callan