
Who let the dog out? The thief!

Puppy love

A would-be dog-trainer tricked one of his clients into allowing him to sleep over — and then cleaned out her apartment on March 10.

The trouble started at around 9:15 pm on March 9, when the Pacific Street woman invited over her friend to “help her train a puppy.” After the session, the friend said he had noplace to sleep, so the woman allowed him to sleep on the couch.

The next morning, in the rush to get her son ready for school, she didn’t notice that the man had taken her computer and two iPods.

Clearly, he needs to be slapped with a rolled-up newspaper.

Ninth bash

A thug bashed a man on Ninth Street on March 18 in a mugging that yielded no cash.

The victim told cops that he was near Seventh Avenue at around 5:30 am when a perp pushed him to the ground and screamed, “Give me your f—king money!”

The thug rifled the victim’s pockets, finding nothing, so he fled, leaving the victim with bruises.

That’s knife

A knife-brandishing thug swiped three home theater systems from a vendor on Baltic Street on March 16.

The victim told cops that he was hawking the $1,000 surround sound systems at the corner of Fourth Avenue at around 3:30 pm when a man pulled out a knife and demanded money and the equipment.

“Have you ever been to prison, stabbed or shot?” the thug asked, before taking the electronics and $600.

Wrong Aid

A thief was arrested on March 14 after swiping items from a Seventh Avenue Rite Aid drugstore and battling a store manager who tried to stop him.

The manager of the 24-hour store told cops that he saw the 45-year-old man putting items into a bag at around 3:15 am. The manager confronted the thief, but the thug punched him in the face twice, and the two tussled over the bag before the thief fled.

But Officer Philbert Clinton was quickly on the scene and made the collar.

Car trouble

Cops ran down a motorist who ran six red lights early on March 14 in a desperate attempt to get away from officers because he was driving with a suspended license.

Police said that the 53-year-old drove his 2005 Toyota “with reckless disregard” along Fourth Avenue at around 4:15 am, running red lights and speeding. He was finally pulled over at St. Marks Place, and briefly tried to escape before he was finally collared.

Radio job

A posse of youths swiped nearly $2,000 worth of gizmos from the Radio Shack on Seventh Avenue on March 19.

The owner of the chain electronics store at Fifth Street told cops that the three men entered at around 3:30 pm and grabbed whatever they could — including headsets, MP3 players, chargers and other doo-dads — before fleeing.

Wheel report

At least two cars were swiped last week:

• A thief nabbed a 10-year-old BMW from DeGraw Street. The owner told cops that he’d parked between Third Avenue and Nevins Street on March 15, but the car was gone two days later.

• A thief took advantage of a repair shop worker who was warming up a car on Warren Street on March 11 at 6:15 am. The worker said he left the car on — with the key in the ignition — between Third and Fourth avenues for only a few minutes.

— Gersh Kuntzman