
Burg Fashion Weekend, Clothes Included

Burg Fashion Weekend, Clothes Included

For the sixth Williamsburg Fashion Weekend, founder and designer Arthur Arbit has ironed out the wrinkles for what is expected to be the smoothest fashion weekend ever.

Shows at Glasslands over the two-day festival are expected to run on time and with more coordination than in previous years. Still, it is supposed to be a party, unlike the tightly structured fashion shows under the tents at Bryant Park. Expect some surprises.

“My personal show, with King Gurvy (Arbit’s label) did not really start materializing until two weeks ago,” said Arbit. “I didn’t really know what do to. My show is going to be as much of a surprise to me as it is to the audience.”

Old friends from WFW years past will be back, including the provocative performance-heavy Alisha Trimball, as well as new lines from Boiy Krazi, Desira Pesta, FLAWK, Total Crap Uninc., Saddle Tramps Collection, Tar and Feather, Robot Death Kult, Ruffeo Hearts Lil’ Snotty, SDN, and King Gurvy.

Arbit insists that this year is going to be special.

“You’re really going to get the gamut of super sleek and minimal to way over-the-top extravagant, from people looking to go into the future to people who are looking to tap into the past more. It’s going to be an interesting group of designers,” said Arbit.

Williamsburg Fashion Weekend will occur on Saturday, February 20th and Sunday February 21st starting at 8 pm at Glasslands, (289 Kent Avenue). There is an $8 cover charge and there are no advance tickets. For more information, e-mail williamsburgfashionweekend@yahoo.com or visit http://www.williamsburgfashionweekend.com.