
He’s on a mission from god

He’s on a mission from god
Photo by Steve Solomonson

A Mill Basin author’s new novel has a superhero meet his maker — and then try to keep the rest of the world from doing the same.

The hero in “The Last Prophet,” which author Peter Iengo will read from this Saturday in his hometown, is in a race against time to save humanity from the doom predicted in the Mayan calendar. Thankfully, he’s gotten his awesome powers — the ability to defy gravity, super speed, and a kind of omniscient sensitivity to trouble — gifted to him from god himself, so (spoiler alert) the outcome is written in stone.

“If you were getting powers from the big G, they would be pretty fantastic,” said Iengo.

The author’s vision of the end includes devils, demons, and, much like “Superman II,” “Ghostbusters,” and many other apocalyptic battles between good and evil, a great battle over the city that never sleeps.

And Iengo says it isn’t anyone’s fault the demons always show up here.

“People say, ‘How come superheroes don’t want to fly around the world and help people besides New Yorkers,’ ” he told us. “I guess I’m a little biased, so the center of the story is New York in itself, and the heroes have to challenge these demonic creatures to protect the people — and minimize damage.”

“Prophet”] is the first in a trilogy Iengo said will cover all religions dating back to the Greek gods.

He’ll be reading from his book, available online as paperback and ebook, at the Gourmet Grill, in Mill Basin, which features an outdoor garden, perfect for an afternoon of apocalyptic storytelling.

“The Last Prophet,” reading at Gourmet Grill [6334 Ave. N, between E. 64th and E. 63rd streets, (718) 241–2345]. Aug. 18, Noon.