
Lunch order in the court!

Lunch order in the court!
The Brooklyn Paper / Kate Emerson

You’ve heard of a hung jury, but what do you do with a hungry jury? One Downtown business group has the answer.

Every juror in state Supreme Court on Adams Street began receiving a pamphlet to guide them to the restaurants and shops — and the TKTS booth — in and around the Metrotech office complex, and as an added bonus, people doing their civic duty get a discount if they present their juror’s card.

“People come Downtown for jury duty from all over Brooklyn, and a lot of them do not know where they can go and get lunch,” said Acting Administrative Judge Abe Gerges, whose last day was on Wednesday.

For business owners, it’s not just an opportunity to tap into the hordes of jurors scurrying around the confusing, fast-paced area on their lunch break, but also a ploy to lure customers back to the office complex that’s practically deserted on weekends and evenings.

“If they like what they see, maybe they will come back to Downtown Brooklyn to eat and shop,” said Mike Weiss, the executive director of the Metrotech Business Improvement District, which created the pamphlets.

Jurors appreciated receiving the brochure — “Jury’s Out! Your 50 Minute Guide to Downtown Brooklyn” — but some brushed it off.

“I already know all the spots around here,” said Louis Lafarque, waiting in the jury pool. “I do live in Brooklyn, you know.”

But others appreciated the Metrotech BID’s effort to make Downtown a bit more friendly.

“Jury duty is the only time I come down here, and I usually walk out of the courthouse and don’t know where I am,” said Fred Thomas of Mill Basin. “This is going to help a lot, actually.”