
Moviehouse Celebrates V-Day, Celebrity Death

With couples frolicking in drifts of snow seemingly everywhere this past weekend, what was a single guy or gal to do?

How about watching new short films about puppet love, a glass of milk’s silent romantic lament, and a house party with Michael Jackson masks that goes horribly astray?

Moviehouse, which celebrated its third anniversary on February 14 at 3rd Ward Brooklyn (195 Morgan Ave.), played host to a romantic-themed short film festival called “Get Your Heart On” which featured 14 films from talented videographers that lasted about three minutes. Each film entered abided by three restrictions: references to the three monkeys, celebrity death, and something uncontrollable.

“We were really happy that we had that many people to celebrate our third anniversary,” said Moviehouse founder Chris Henderson. “It’s really taking off in a way that we never really imagined it would when we started three years ago.”

The results were a strange smorgasbord of shorts that included stop motion puppetry animation from Leat Klingman, an awkward documentary-style confrontation by Daniel Ross, the tribulations of G-Zilla by Carlotta Propersi, the rooftop exploits of the Zebra Crossing theater collective, and the peculiar antics of CK Swett, Victor Jeffreys II and Russel Fong, entitled “Under a Weary Life,” which straddled the line between silly and creepy, but mostly creepy.

Two standouts included Sarah Baker’s stop motion love poem and Rachel Fainter’s silent tragic film featuring a glass of milk’s lament. In Baker’s film, a couple in a long distance relationship exchange glittery mix tapes, circa 1992, while tearing up with aluminum foil tears and red foil hearts which also emerge through the speakers of their casette players.

In Fainter’s piece, a glass of milk changes partners, which include a pepper, a box of cereal, and chocolate milk, in search of true love, before finding it with a box of Nils wafer cookies. The cookies run off with a box of Jello, sadly and the milk is left to rely on a banana, a head of broccoli and plastic cowboy dolls before ultimately turning into sour cream.

Mon dieu.

For more information about Moviehouse and their March events, visit http://www.brilliantp.com/moviehouse.