
New DUMBO mall has it all — minus the sweatpants!

New DUMBO mall has it all — minus the sweatpants!
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Urbanites may scoff, shudder, or just yawn at the mention of those suburban things called shopping malls — but they’re flocking to one on Front Street in DUMBO.

Yes, there’s a difference between this shopping center and the gargantuan ones on the edge of the Interstate with the artificial lighting, the supersized food courts, or the fashions of Lane Bryant.

This one has cafes consistent with the borough’s style — yes, we’re talking about the creperie — and an outdoor emphasis that feels more like a regular boutique-brimming block.

“I’m doing great business, especially from young people,” said antique storeowner Daga Kamcleizy. “The artists moved back to Brooklyn, so I followed.”

The stores are owned by Green Desk, a company whose self-professed mission is to give small businesses a chance to consolidate their store and office space into one complete — albeit tiny — package.

The resulting stores are small and uniform — not much more spacious than mall kiosks — but taken together, they comprise a full day of shopping in one handy location.

Jewelry designer Andrea Lucille fled Manhattan and opened her workshop/store this month — and says she’s paying the same for her storefront as she did for a second-floor showroom in that city on the west bank of the East River. And she’s loving DUMBO.

“The neighborhood is artsy, so it’s better for what I make,” she said.

Organic Crepe owner Viktorya Leokumovich shows off the treat you can get at her shop in the new “mall” on Front Street in DUMBO.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Shops @ Green Desk [Front Street between Jay and Pearl streets in DUMBO, (718) 210-3650]. Store hours vary.