
Pillager loots sleeping straphanger



Sheepshead Bay—Homecrest—
Manhattan Beach—Gravesend

Straphanging swiper

A pillager snagged a cellphone and wallet from a sleeping straphanger aboard an F-train at the Avenue P station on Dec. 23. 

The victim told police that he woke up in the station on the corner of McDonald Avenue at around 4:45 am with the crook standing over him, who grabbed his valuables and fled. 

In the bag 

A bandit looted an East Fifth Street apartment on Dec. 29. 

The victim told police the weasel entered the building on the corner of Kings Highway through an unlocked door at around 4:30 pm with a scarf around his face to hide his identity, before grabbing a box of garbage bags, a silver hand truck, and a drill set.