
Boot beating on train

84th PrecinctBrooklyn HeightsNice bootsTwo punks attacked and robbed a man of his cellphone on the F train at the Jay Street-Metrotech station on Jan. 8.Why guy?Someone burglarized the Wi-Pie pizza joint on Remsen Street on Jan. 8.Free punchA brute randomly attacked and robbed a man near the York Street train station on Jan. 8.Compu-goneSome thieves heisted two computers from a Jay Street commercial space on Jan. 4 while its owner was on vacation.Window jackA thief smashed the windows of a car on Court Street before stealing an envelope filled with $300 on Jan. 4.Diebstahl!Two creeps robbed a German tourist on Plymouth Street on Jan. 3.iGive chaseA quick cretin stole a man